The Sibling Care Package - $1,200

Certified Holistic Doula

Has the thought of having your child(ren) attend the birth of their sibling crossed your mind? Do you wonder who could attend to them? Have you considered a Sibling Care Doula? 

A concern many families have is not having family members local, having unreliable people, and/or no baby sitters available. Do not let this be any added stress for you. I will be able to help support your child(ren). I follow your plan for how you want them to be at the time of the birth, whether that is participating in the birth, viewing the birth, explaining the birth with age appropriate language you approve of, keeping them aside and entertained until after birth, or anything else you have in mind. 

Sibling Care Doula support at your home birth.


- One hour FREE consultation: This is an opportunity for you to learn more about me and if I will be a great asset to you. This is important because you want to be comfortable with anyone who will be around your child(ren), will support your choices, and encourage your wishes for a wonderful birth experience. This is an important life event and should be treated with respect, love, care, and warmth.

- Visitation meeting for the child(ren) and me to get to know one another and become aquatinted. We will be able to go over their needs and anything else that will help me better support them through the birth. We can create a "Plan of Action.” 

- Sibling Care during birth: Your child(ren) will receive continuous support during your labor, birth, and for 2 hours of postpartum after the new addition is born. Do not feel under pressure if your labor is long, your child(ren) will be cared for during that time! I could also assist your child(ren) with meeting your new addition. This is a very special time and will be treated as such! 


This is your journey and we're in this together!