Bereavement Services

Certified Holistic Doula

You are not alone. You can grieve. It was your baby. 

When I was in my late teens, a family member experienced a stillbirth. It was devastating and very hard for her. I can still recall the exact moment I was told the heartbreaking news. I was blessed to be able to attend to her for a short period of time and saw her baby. I will never forget the little girl that changed my life.. her ten fingers, ten toes, dark curly hair, and the size of my hand.  Pictures were taken and the hospital supplied a beautiful yellow memory box. Her baby was honored and remembered by her mother, family, and family friends at her funeral service. She was not alone. Her baby was not alone. 

I have known many women, family and friends, who have experienced a miscarriage and stillbirth. It's not something we ever prepare for. Losing a child is one of the hardest experiences anyone will face. Unfortunately, this happens more frequently than we think. 1 in 4 women will experience a pregnancy loss at least once.

There are bereavement doulas who can provide physical, emotional, and informational support to families in their time of grieving. They can support you during your miscarriage, stillbirth, and life-limiting diagnosis. They can help you with meeting your baby for the first time, honoring and remembering your baby, and saying goodbye to your baby. 

My bereavement services include: a preparation meeting (if time allows for a birth plan, what your baby may look like, etc.), ideas for memory making and keepsakes (lock of hair, foot and handprints, etc.), helping with making any phone calls to family and friends, assisting with funeral/memorial arrangements, assisting with lactation production/decreasing, a postpartum visit, resources, and phone, text, and email support. 

If you are an early loss mother, I am here to support you. Your baby is your baby, no matter what gestational age.

If you experience a loss by still birth, I am here to support you.

If you are an infant loss mother, I am here to support you.

There is no charge for this service.

You are not alone. You can grieve. It was your baby. Let's talk. 

If anyone would like to gift materials towards this service, please contact me. Any gifts in remembrance of a lost child will be known to the grieving mother that she is not alone and is supported by a fellow loss mother. 

Life’s Journey does not offer abortion support. Support is offered to post-abortion regret sufferers.